Spatial Sound Institute presents: “Silence”

Contributors: Cecilia Nercasseau Gibson / Spatial Sound Institute
Venue: Foyer
Opening:07/29/2021 19:30 (Thu)
Duration:07/29 - 07/29/2021

JULY 29.
• DOORS OPEN - 19:30
• SOUND INSTALLATION - 20:00 - 21:00

“Silence” is an immersive sound installation which invites to experience Silence in three different perspectives: Horizontal – External, Vertical – Internal & Divergent.
Based on John Cage’s writings, Silence is treated as a wide sound, a space where it is possible to identify the elements that compose the whole and each having equal importance. The project aims to encourage the senses and takes listening as the primary mode of experiencing — to be aware of what is going on around you and inside you and to be able to make observations and move your attention fluidly in order to stimulate and sense creativity and inspiration.

The first stage, Horizontal-External Silence portrays a natural soundscape in which the fundamental lines of the space are sketched and the individual fills in the blanks with their own images.

The second stage, Vertical-Internal Silence involves acknowledging oneself as a sound element with expression and existence within this silence. It's a self-reflection and reflection, an invitation to meditation and mantra.

After going through the previous phases of Silence, the third level, Divergent Silence, is a subtle invitation to interact for personal inspiration. It's a place where you may express yourself and become a part of the natural world as an imaginative and creative human with relationships, reflections, ideas, and intuition.

Cecilia Nercasseau Gibson is a multidisciplinary artist and musician. She was born in Chile in 1987 where she studied architecture. As an architect, she started the research of human perception and communication in relation to spaces, body and sound, becoming a sound artist within urban installations. Master in Stage Design and Exhibition Spaces at the TU Berlin, where she mixed space and sound with the storytelling. Lead singer and keyboard player in the dream rock band Badecima.

- Instagram:
- Fonópticos Valparaíso, Chile - 2014:
- Albedo Berlin, Germany - 2015:
- Fonotrópicos IFAC, Almería, Spain - 2016
- Hyperbole Station, IFAC, Torres Vedras, Portugal - 2017
- Experimental Musician at Zooz approach - 2018:


The project was funded by the Chilean Ministry of Culture, Arts and heritage.

Immunity certificates are required for attendance of the sound installation presentation.