Short-Term Curatorial Residency II.
Art quarter budapest launches its second open call for short-term curatorial residency program. The aim is to welcome curators, art critics and theoreticians who would like to get to know the diverse art scene of Budapest and extend their network. The two-week residency offers the opportunity to meet the in-house artist community of aqb working […]
ST.A.I.R Open Call
Folytatódik az art quarter budapest közös művészcsere programja Európa egyik legjelentősebb műteremházával és művészeti központjával, a stuttgarti Akademie Schloss Solitude-del. Az együttműködés értelmében idén egy hazai művész három hónapos alkotói ösztöndíjat nyer a Schloss Solitude-be, amelyre ezennel pályázatot hirdetünk. Pályázati feltételek A művészeti rezidenciára Magyarországon élő, illetve a hazai szcénában markánsan jelen lévő képzőművészek és […]
Short Term Curatorial Residency
Art quarter budapest launches its first short-term curatorial residency program. The aim is to welcome curators, art critics and theoreticians who would like to get to know the diverse art scene of Budapest and extend their network. The two-week residency offers the opportunity to meet the in-house artist community of aqb working in different fields […]
As a mighty body of water, the Danube flows through large parts of Europe. On its way from its source in the Black Forest to its mouth in the Black Sea, it crosses numerous borders. This makes it a connecting element between diverse national identities and breaks up the rigid order of the mainland. At […]