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Fénygolyók (rövidített változat)

Contributors:Hrotkó Heléna / Bérczi Zsófia / Kiss János / Tankó Barnabás / Pataki Attila / Bérczi Zsófia
Venue: Project Space
Opening:03/28/2018 18:00 (Wed)
Duration:03/28 - 03/28/2018

Opening hours

Tuesday – Friday
15:00 – 19:00
13:00 – 17:00

The light closed into spheres and the texts of the book Talking with Angels give the common denominators of the scenes. This unique document gives answers to hidden questions of life amidst the inhumanity of Second World War. Along metaphysical qualities represented and formulated by the "angel" and abstraction of spectacle in the focus of the performance stands the structure of life beyond visible. In the performance Jalaladdin Rumi The Poem of the Atoms is quoted.
With a separate headset you can watch the performance in English. Please let us know in advance at zsofia_berczi@livingpicture.org!
short video on youtube: https://youtu.be/pjW3rJEM9lc
the human: Heléna Hrotkó
the angel: Zsófia Bérczi
musician: János Kiss
lighting props and remote control: Barnabás Tankó
glass work: Attila Pataki
scenographer, director: Zsófia Bérczi