
Curator(s):BENCE Bettina
Artist(s):BÁCSI Barnabás / BORSOS Lőrinc / CSATLÓS Asztrid / eden_jeneses & Omon Wynfryth / HORVÁTH Ádám / KISS Balázs Ágoston / LŐRINCZ Áron / METZING Eszter / SZABÓ Beáta / SZÉCSI Noémi
Venue: 4D Space
Opening:05/25/2024 18:30 (Sat)
Duration:05/25 - 06/22/2024

Gradually, with all the changes in our being, we become what we already are, and what we will remain forever and irrevocably.
The individual must face the experience of his own degeneration of character. This process is alarmingly real, while the sense of distance from the existing reality becomes attractive due to anxiety. The translation of symbolic states into literal material reality to convey the effect of the oppressive, unwanted circumstances of the present. The darkness is not merely a lack or absence of light, but the manifestation of a particular contemporary state of mind, reflecting the nuances of different and often conflicting situations: a representation of an unresolved, inherited condition that remains unwanted in the present.

Opening times
6 June (Thursday) 5 - 7 pm
10 June (Monday) 4 -6 pm
13 June (Thursday) 5 -7 pm
16 June (Sunday) 4 - 6.30 pm
18 June (Tuesday) 5 - 7 pm
21 June (Friday) 6 - 9 pm

Previous projects:
DOOM (2021, Horizont Gallery)
meltdown (2022, Nyolcésfél)