AQB AiR / Before and Now, Solo show by Petko Ognyanov (Bg)

Contributors:Petko Ognyanov
Venue: Project Space
Opening:07/12/2018 18:00 (Thu)
Duration:07/12 - 07/14/2018

Opening hours

Tuesday15.00 – 18.00
Wednesday15.00 – 18.00
Friday15.00 – 18.00

During his residency stay at Art Quarter Budapest visual artist Petko Ognyanov has conducted a specific anthropological research and a series of meetings involving Hungarian intellectuals.
Ognyanov’s show at AQB reveals a new video project developed through his meetings. This project echoes the artist’s reading of a text by Hannah Arendt, entitled "What is authority?", as well as Ognyanov’s social observations regarding the issue of authority. All involved intellectuals have thus been challenged to reflect on such an issue from both today’s and historical perspective.
Being obsessed by the transition process post-communist countries are still experiencing, Ognyanov focuses on the social understanding of authority as a major factor within this process.
For the artist, these series of meetings have been an attempt to comprehend the role of authority, both socially and symbolically, as well as what shapes our relationship with authority.
All involved intellectuals have thus been challenged to reflect on such an issue from both today’s and historical perspective.
art quarter budapest, 4th floor
Thursday, July 12, 2018 6pm - 8.30pm
Presentation language: English
Free entry
Visual artist Petko Ognyanov was born in 1980 in Bulgaria. He lives and works in Brussels and Sofia. Ognyanov’s anthropological approach addresses the relationship between man and the environment he lives in. His work deals with the human capacities of adaptation and questions the complex relationship with authority.