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Ádám Anna: Piknik az Édenben / Küszöb Fesztivál

Venue: Project Space
Opening:05/11/2018 20:00 (Fri)
Duration:05/11 - 05/13/2018

Opening hours

Tuesday – Friday
15:00 – 19:00
13:00 – 17:00

Fine Arts Theater
Performance (May 11. 8pm) & Exhibition (May 12am-1pm.)
Reality show broadcast straight from Paradise, infused with soap opera romance, sweaty workout routines, and a liturgical karaoke show, in which our evergreen superheroes, showcasing all their vices, clash with the sexual ethics of the Jewish-Christian tradition and write an alternative Genesis on the axes of Eden, the gym and Messenger.
Picnic in Eden (the installation as well as the performance) interprets the space of AQB Sound Studio as a sort of fine art theatre; it balances between the two arts. Eating outdoors, in the company of others, one can recall the lost idyll of Paradise. Of course, after the Fall and the Expulsion man drifted far away from the natural environment with which he had lived harmoniously. The desire to restore the balance, which stems from this, keeps luring man back into his original state. But man, by nature, is unable to change, and so he sins once again.