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Ahogy látunk / As You See

Curator(s):KUKLA Krisztián
Artist(s):Harun FAROCKI
Venue: Project Space
Opening:09/09/2022 18:00 (Fri)
Duration:09/09 - 11/06/2022

Opening hours

Wednesday15.00 – 18.00
Thursday15.00 – 18.00
Friday15.00 – 18.00
Saturday13.00 – 17.00

As You See. The Works of Harun Farocki

The exhibition is mutually realized by the Goethe-Institut and art quarter budapest and it is the most complete presentation of the German filmmaker in Hungary to date. Additionally to the works on display in the exhibition space, screenings and following discussions will be offered weekly.

Harun Farocki's decades-long career raises relevant questions about the social role of moving pictures, the inseparability of aesthetics and politics, the relationship between work and creating, sensitivity, commitment and solidarity. Farocki is one of the most important artists of visual modernity and technological picture. His essay films established a genre of their own, and his singular interest in film history and media theory resulted more and more in large-scale video installations from the mid-nineties.

The exhibition presents ten works from the late 80s until the 2010s

Additional screening shedule:

■ 13 September // TUESDAY 7PM
Harun Farocki: Stilleben / Still life (1997, 56 min)

■ 20 September // TUESDAY 7PM
Harun Farocki: Arbeiter verlassen die Fabrik / Workers Leaving the Factory (1995, 36 min)

■ 27 September // TUESDAY 7PM
Harun Farocki: Bilder der Welt und Inschrift des Krieges / Images of the World and the Inscription of the War (1988, 75 min)

■ 11 October // TUESDAY 7PM
Harun Farocki: Zwischen zwei Kriegen / In Between Two Wars (1978, 83 min)

■ 18 October // TUESDAY 7PM
Harun Farocki: Zum Vergleich / In Comparsion (2009., 61 min)

■ 5 November // SZOMBAT 19:00
finissage with double screenings

Harun Farocki: Nicht ohne Risiko / Nothing Ventured (2004, 50 min)
Christian Petzold: Yella (2007, 89 min)

Supporters of the exhibition: Korean Cultural Center, EPSON
Media supporter: Artportal