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Álom Meditáció obszidiántükörrel / Dream Meditation with Obsidian Mirrors

Contributors:KIS Judit
Venue: Project Space
Opening:01/13/2024 16:00 (Sat)
Duration:01/13 - 01/13/2024

Opening hours

Wednesday15.00 – 18.00
Thursday15.00 – 18.00
Friday15.00 – 18.00
Saturday13.00 – 17.00

“During my research residency in Mexico, I created 10 obsidian mirrors with local craftsmen and completed a course on dream work. Obsidian mirrors are believed to help insomnia, analyze dreams and learn to integrate the shadowed side of our personality. In ancient and modern oneirology and psychology, dreaming is an altered state of consciousness and exploring them allows us to reflect on our hidden traumas and mental health problems. In pre-columbian Mexico black obsidian mirrors had been a powerful sacred tool to reflect on one's self, observe the sky, connect to ancestors and for energetic cleansing.”
/Judit Kis/

The workshop requires registration and can be attended by up to 9 people.
Registration: judykis@gmail.com

The workshop is a side event to the Islands and their Possibilities exhibition.